Starting Off today.
SPORE's a wonderful game.
But EA limit its users to 3 installations. Which is downright equal to us renting it.Totally absurd.
That was random yes i know,just had to get it out of my system.
Looking at other people's blogs and their posts made me realize the changes that we've been through all these years.
Simply put,its amzing... 17 years have past...gone...swoosh in a click.
In fact , what things in these 17 years have you done? Done in an impactful manner.
Some may have been sucessful , yes they are.
Some may not.
Still, life has to go on.
I cant agree further about this "Moving on in life" discussion i had with azizi yesterday.
Finally it seems thats some other people are finally changing their aspects of this world.
Yes..It may be YOU.
There's only one life and you either trash or treasure it. Period.
Some take lives for granted , other carefully plan every single minute with their loved ones...not knowning when they'll leave by their side.
Yes sentimental i am right now.
In short , let bygones be bygones.
In the tyrannical world we live in...there is just no time to waste for bearing grudges.
Will bearing them make you happy? No
Will Hating Em make you happy? No
I've been thinking alot these days.
Sitting at hope looking at the muultitude of clouds pass by,perhaps depicting to me the times i've been through.
Why clouds?
They cant be counted. Infinite.
and in my 17 years of my life,both my loved ones and my friends have made such a big impact on me.
Mom & Dad - I love them. Period. What can i say? they've done so much even i cant repay them with afterlifes.
Azizi - Yes u bitch. Lol i HAD to mention your name in here.been through like what? 5 years alrdy? Times where we were pissed of at each other, times that we hated each other. Still its going strong.
Hafiz - Another good bro of mine. Same like zi, had alot of bad moments...and good ones of course.. another good friend to confide in one's feelings. Appreciate it very much for all you had done.
Gek/Vian/Hea/Xue - the 4 Heavenly Girls xD Thank you so much for spending all the time together with me. From the good times we had in choir to those nasty ones that we didnt agree. But still, strong we shall always be.
Florince - Drunken Girl met at at Club :) No la not what you think she is. A Big and capable motivator. Never knew from that moment i met her that we would still keep in touch. Exchanging calls to confides in ones troubles is a common. Gave me inspiration to Set up my new Blog and Nightmare Productions. I love you alot yea? :)
Brandon and the H.I.J.A.X crew - still going strong! yes! And i hope we will. each of us hold a dream. a Dream to picture every senic thing in our lives with a click of a button...and as a portrayal in films. Together perhaps someday,showcasing the tides we've been through. people will understand the meaning of True Determination and Friendship.
And yes to many more friends...i'll never forget you too!
i appreciate so much for being there for me. Kudos to you all
Who knows , maybe right here as i'm typing , someone had just lost a loved one.
Life aint meant to be taken for granted. Treasure what you have and make the best out of it.
Especially to all your friends and loved ones.
Ironic isnt it. for me to post such stuff. ah well , just a post i had to get over with.
Signing off,